The Society for Tennis Medicine and Science is an organization centered on tennis’ sports medicine. It focuses on understanding and effectively treating injuries seen in tennis players, performance, and the biomechanical responses to tennis play. One of their initiatives is the “Journal of Medicine and Science in Tennis”, a journal that publishes original research, clinical studies, and articles. I’ve been working on the editorial design with them, and for the December issue I also worked on a cover redesign. 

The editorial design of the journal is very minimal and polished as it is a science document, so I wanted a cover that was still clean and minimal, but professional, appealing, and a bit more modern. I designed a large lettering piece for the title of this month’s edition, and paired it with 2 images. An issue I wanted to solve is that they depend a lot on stock imagery, so this new cover allows them to showcase something that’s much more unique and truly their own, and minimize the use of stock graphics. 

Journal of Medicine & Science in Tennis.

What: Art Direction + Editorial Design
La Grange Park, Illinois.
The Society for Tennis Medicine & Science.


Rings of New York


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